mesh topology

网络  网状拓扑结构; 网格拓扑; 网状拓扑; 网状型; 网状



  1. Geographically scattered nodes in a mesh topology.
  2. Before I jump into modeling a game character I need to consider my polycount budget, mesh topology, any rigging issues and my texture limits.
  3. The simulation results show it can improve the computational efficiency of PTN mesh topology design.
  4. Networks on Chip Based on Diagonal Interlinked Mesh Topology Structure
  5. A High Quality Mesh Simplification Algorithm of Topology Maintenance
  6. At the same time, by subdividing an icosahedron and projecting all its vertices onto the unit sphere from the center, we can get a spherical triangle mesh with subdivision topology.
  7. An important problem in mesh reconstruction is how to obtain a reconstructed mesh with the same topology as the surface of the sampled object.
  8. In this paper, two multicast routing algorithm are introduced, one being the RST suitable for the generic topology and the other, the heuristic algorithm based on the Mesh topology.
  9. A new space deformation based on free-form surfaces is presented in this paper. The object deformation is controlled by a control mesh of arbitrary topology.
  10. Model reconstruction is a key step in reverse engineering. The acquisition of control mesh for Loop subdivision surface from general triangle mesh is researched, and an algorithm is proposed to fulfill the reconstruction of subdivision surface from arbitrary dense mesh in topology.
  11. Based on Mesh optical interconnection topology principle, a novel Mesh optical interconnection board configuration was introduced.
  12. In this paper, the Mesh topology in the IEEE 802.16-2004 standard is introduced. The random access procedure for the new node in Mesh network and the scheduling schemes are proposed in detail.
  13. Mesh topology reconstruction is one of the key technologies of surface reconstruction.
  14. Mesh topology has a great effect on both calculation precision and convergence speed during the numerical simulation.
  15. First we construct a generic face mesh which vertex number, vertex distribution, mesh topology and 2D parameterization are very suitable for the film visual effect field;
  16. With the application of mesh network topology in the next generation optical transport network, the survivability of mesh-based next generation optical transport network will be a desirable project.
  17. Fitting System of Loop Subdivision Surfaces from an Irregular Triangle Mesh of Arbitrary Topology Type
  18. A mesh topology cleanup procedure is proposed for improving the mesh quality after refined.
  19. The mesh topology and self-organization characteristics make routing protocol become a key technology for WMNs. Routes which selected by routing protocols would directly affect the performance of network.
  20. Mesh topology uses the RF broadcast function as well as a set of route inquiries and maintenance commands to update the distributed routing information across the entire network dynamically.
  21. The sensors and actuators in this system constitute a self-organizing wireless network by wireless remote IOs, which has the mesh topology. The system is able to be connected with the traditional field bus and Internet, thus to realize control and remote monitoring.
  22. A Wireless Mesh Network ( WMN) is a distribution network of mesh topology, in which the communications between nodes rely on mutual collaboration in wireless multi-hop manner, to provide Internet access for End-Users.
  23. After studying the switch technique and classic routing algorithms, we combine CDMA technique with deterministic XY routing technique, then design a new routing algorithm for the cluster mesh topology, and describe the algorithm in detail.
  24. Combining the characteristics of the on-chip router, and routing technology commonly used in Parallel computer and Fault-tolerant technology used in distributed systems, a reliability design of a reconfigurable on-chip router based on a 2D mesh topology has been proposed.
  25. Wireless mesh network, also known as multi-hop wireless network, which is a wireless multi-hop mesh network topology, and belongs to broadband wireless access areas.
  26. This paper is to introduce a wind power gear box for high-power wireless monitoring systems. First, the overall structure of the introduced high-power wind power gear box of the wireless monitoring and control system to take the overall architecture and the advantages of mesh topology.
  27. However, the mesh network topology, multi-radio multi-channel configuration, and the complexity of wireless environment make the system performance unfit for the requirement of users.
  28. Simulation results show that, when local traffic in the network is large, Cluster Mesh network topology has better latency and throughput performance than an ordinary 2D Mesh topology with the same size.
  29. Subdivision surface has lots of good properties, witch not only contain polygon mesh topology arbitrary, but also parametric surface continuity, consistency and affine invariance, etc, so it has been researched and applied widely in surface modeling.
  30. Through simulation, we study the Cluster Mesh topology network performance.



  1. the topology of a network whose components are all connected directly to every other component

      Synonym:    mesh